Labor market and work (C.U.D2)
The C.U.D2 project offers several types of support and opportunities to people from Ukraine with disabilities who are not working, in order to establish themselves in the Swedish labor market.
The project started in October 2023 and is co-funded by the European Union.
Information letter "Redovisning av deltagare i socialfondsprojekt": Information for participants about Swedish ESF Council, Statistics Sweden and the reporting and personal data processing (in Swedish).
The project is run by Funkibator, a national association in the field of disability and an inclusive society. In our network today there are many people in Sweden who fled the war in Ukraine. We offer a unique support that will benefit Ukrainians with disabilities all over Sweden.
We want to help those who have a disability or live in a family situation where, for example, a child has a disability and who wants to work in Sweden.
We to carry out activities locally in Växjö and nationally online. We speak both Swedish and Ukrainian. The activities are individual support and support in your matters regarding work and the labor market. Like information about the labor market, rights, work aids, work adaptations, governmental support or generally about the situation for people with disabilities in the Swedish labor market, professional and official Swedish (vocabulary knowledge) and more. We offer individual counseling or counseling sessions (phone calls, video chats, social media or email conversations).
We also offer the possibility of support with social activities, for example through local non-profit associations. Together we also run a media editorial office where Ukrainian voices and issues are highlighted, here you can help write texts, take photos, work journalistically or record films or radio reports.
If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact us at or send us a message on Facebook and we will tell you more.
Background to the project
Since the invasion of Ukraine started, we have worked on our own initiative to build new networks and establish contacts with relevant organizations within civil society but also companies and individuals with cutting-edge skills who want to help.
We got in touch early, already in March 2022, with the majority of people from the target group, who were on the run and who were on their way to (or had already arrived in) Sweden. People from Ukraine actively sought contacts in Sweden for cooperation. In contrast to previous years' refugee flows, we could see that more people with disabilities came to Sweden in connection with the invasion of Ukraine, compared to previous refugee crises.
For this group, in 2022 we have offered support when it came to aids, accessibility adaptations in the accommodation, care contacts and other contact with authorities. We also hosted a project called C.U.D (1) with support via group conferences, between March and September of 2023.
The Care for Ukrainians with Disabilities 2 (C.U.D2) project is based on the experiences, networks, collaborations and contacts with the target group that have been built up over the past year.
The target group for the C.U.D2 project is women and men who
- are over 18 years old
- primarily have a disability or illness that results in reduced ability to work, secondarily are relatives of persons with a disability
- which is covered by the Temporary Protection Directive as a result of the war in Ukraine
- who are in Sweden
Throughout 2022 and 2023, we have been at the forefront and taken the greatest individual responsibility for basic support for the target group and their needs. Now we are taking the next step to support the target group to establish themselves in working life.
Through Funkibator and C.U.D2. a new space is created for the target group. Thanks to our work methodology that identifies risks and obstacles for the target group, and turns these into knowledge, the journey to the labor market can be significantly shortened for the target group.
Through the project, we counteract various forms of discrimination, by providing the target group with knowledge of their rights and opportunities.
By participating in C.U.D2, you can strengthen your position on the labor market, gain better knowledge and conditions to look for work, adapted work or education and take concrete steps forward towards the labor market.