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Rights and rules in Sweden
(from 2022-04-16)

This information has been kindly been put together of Dorothee Riedel, early workes as an occupational therapeut at Spinalis, a specialist clinique for people with spinal core injuries. We say thanks for this. The information can change over time and let us know if you find anyting that isn´t correct anymore.

>>> Download the document (PDF) translated to ukraine, russian, english, swedish


Länk till Migrationsverket.

Visa-free residence permit
If you who have a biometric passport, you can be in Sweden for up to 90 days without applying for a residence permit from the Swedish Migration Agency. This applies on condition that you can support yourself financially during that period and that you have somewhere to live.

Residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive

What is it?
If you have fled the war in Ukraine, you can apply for a residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive. The permit provides you with temporary protection in Sweden and the right to work. You also have the right to medical care and children have the right to go to school. You can get help with accommodation and financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency (the same rights as persons seeking asylum under the LMA Act)

Who gets it?
The Directive applies to
- persons who are Ukrainian citizens and were resident in Ukraine before 24 February 2022
- persons holding a residence permit as refugees or persons enjoying subsidiary protection in Ukraine
- family members of the above two.
To be covered by the Directive, a person must have left the country on or after 24 February 2022.

How to apply?
You can apply for a residence permit for you and your family by using the eservice on the Swedish Migration Agency’s website or by going to a Swedish Migration Agency office in person. If you apply through the e-service and have arranged your accommodation yourself, you do not need to visit the Swedish Migration Agency until after you have received a decision.

The process takes a few days. Once you have been granted a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive, you will receive a residence permit card (UT card).

The permit is valid until 4/3-23. If the security situation in Ukraine has not improved by then, the Migration Agency may extend the residence permit automatically.


With a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive, you are not entitled to a personal identity number, you cannot be registered in Sweden. But you can apply for a coordination number.

Coordination numbers are issued to people who need to interact with Swedish public authorities or other parts of Swedish society but have never been listed in the Swedish Population Register. A coordination number makes it easier to interact with Swedish public authorities, employers, schools, banks, and so on. The Swedish Tax Agency decides whether to issue a coordination number.

Swedish public authorities can request a coordination number on your behalf if they need one to address a matter concerning you. If so, you will be informed about this and you do not have to do anything yourself.
You can also apply for a coordination number yourself at a Swedish state service centre. You can find service centre addresses on the page “Visit a service centre” (“Besök servicekontor”) at

You can arrange your own accommodation. In that case, you pay the rent yourself and you must notify the Migration Agency of the address. Please note that the Migration Agency has a list of housing areas with social and economic challenges. Anyone who chooses to live in such an area may lose the right to financial support from the Migration Agency. You can see which areas are concerned on the Migration Agency's website.

Otherwise, the Migration Agency is responsible for providing temporary accommodation for those who are asylum seekers or have a temporary permit under the Mass Refugee Directive (those who cannot arrange accommodation on their own). You cannot choose where to live.


According to the Migration Agency's website, people with disabilities may be entitled to adapted accommodation. However, most of the Migration Agency's accommodation is NOT wheelchair accessible. The Spinalis Foundation is working to develop wheelchair-accessible apartments in the Stockholm area.


If you have no money of your own, you can apply for financial support from the Migration Agency. The money you receive from the Migration Agency should be enough for food, clothing and personal expenses. You can apply for a daily allowance and a special grant. Application forms are available on the Migration Agency's website.

Daily allowance
In accommodation where food is included, the daily routine is
- 24 SEK/day for single adults
- 19 SEK/day per person for adults sharing household expenses
- 12 SEK/day for children up to 17 years of age.

In accommodation where food is not included, the daily allowence is
- 71 SEK/day for single adults
- 61 SEK/day per person for adults sharing household expenses
- 37 kr/day for children 0-3 years
- 43 kr/day for children 4-10 years
- 50 kr/day for children 11-17 years.
Families with more than two children receive a full daily allowance for the two oldest children and half a daily allowance for the other children.
In addition to food, the daily allowance should cover clothing and footwear, medical care and medicine, dental care, hygiene products, other consumables and leisure activities.

Special contribution
If you have a strong need for something that cannot be paid for with the daily allowance (e.g. glasses, pram, etc.), you can apply for a special allowance. The Migration Agency always makes an individual assessment.


Adults over the age of 18 who have been granted a residence permit under the Mass Refugee Directive (mass refugees) are only entitled to limited health care (urgent care, maternal health care, abortion care and contraceptive advice) in the same way as asylum seekers. Persons who have not yet reached the age of 18 receive the same level of care as that offered to residents of the region.

With a UT card, you pay a lower fee when you visit the health service or pick up certain medicines at the pharmacy.

Vaccination of Covid-19
Everyone aged 12 years or older is offered at least three injections of covid-19 vaccine.
In Stockholm, refugees from Ukraine can be vaccinated by vaccinators who can accept people who do not have a Swedish identity number. At present, this is possible at health centres or at one of the Region Stockholm vaccination buses.

Persons granted a residence permit with temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive (mass refugees) are only entitled to subsidised prescription medicines in the same way as asylum seekers.

Asylum seekers under the age of 18 are entitled to assistive devices on the same terms as other county residents. Asylum seekers over the age of 18 are entitled to non-waivable care and the aids directly linked to it. All aids are free of charge for asylum seekers in Stockholm County. (Since persons covered by the Temporary Protection >Directive have the same rights as asylum seekers, this should apply.)

Children up to the age of 18 are entitled to schooling, but not to secondary education begun after the age of 18, see

Adults have no right to SFI, see

To learn Swedish on your own, see

In Stockholm, a Ukrainian passport is valid as an SL ticket,

Assistance is regulated by the LSS Act. The law only applies to people who are registered in Sweden, i.e. not to people who have a residence permit with temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive. Home care is regulated by the Social Services Act, SoL. The Social Services Act and other laws apply in areas where the LMA does not. However, according to Disabled Refugees Welcome's information handbook 'Pathways to Mutual Integration', the responsibilities of the regions and municipalities in relation to the target group have been discussed by SKR and the Migration Board. In particular, this concerns who should fund assistance, such as home care or other support, when people are covered by the LMA. The SKR and the Migration Agency do not always have the same position, which means that people may fall between regulations when the actors try to shift responsibility to someone else.

You must be registered in Sweden to be able to apply for special transportation services.

You only get this if you have a first-hand contract for your apartment/home.

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