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We will offer sevral types of activities futher on. This is under development. Here are a few examples:

Online with the Zoom program
Social meetings just to get to know each hoter
Talks about helping aid products
Languge training
Education in the swedish society

We will also arrange physical activites in Växjö at Funkibators activity house. This is for you living in the region of Kronobergs län, Växjö and the cities in the nearby surronding. 

>>> Prepare yourself and download Zoom

Skarmavbild 2020-12-20 kl. 13.04.45_1574.png

Anlita oss! Pengarna stannar kvar i föreningslivet. 


Infanterigatan 10

352 35 Växjö


0470-223 40 (kansli)

0470-223 42 (butik)


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